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About the Foundation

Our Inspiration

Michael Sadler's extraordinary life was abruptly halted when he died in a tragic car accident in Wisconsin on July 23, 2016.  At the time, he was volunteering at a kicking camp to mentor young players. His commitment to helping others, contributing to community and embracing his love of family, friends, and society was constant. He lived his life with impeccable character. Only after his death did we realize the tens of thousands of lives he affected because of his integrity and the way he chose to live life.


Michael earned unparalleled recognition in academics and athletics.  At MSU he earned a bachelor's degree in Engineering and a master's degree in Public Policy. He was an All-American as well as the first-ever, four-time Academic All American in MSU history. Michael was a member of the National Football Foundation Scholar-Athlete Class of 2014 and a William V. Campbell trophy finalist.  He was awarded the Big Ten Conference Medal of Honor in 2014 for outstanding athletic and academic achievement. Awards that Mike received are now being renamed in his honor.  Michael was proud to be a Spartan and was excited to be entering Stanford Law School. Click here to read more about his outstanding achievements, both on and off the field. 

Our Mission

Inspire and empower students to realize individual potential with strong character.

Our Strategy

 We help kids to begin building their legacies at an early age through our unique K-12 programs which use Mike's legacy and Six Pillars as a model.  We also recognize scholar athletes with strong character through awards and scholarships.

Sadler Six Pillars

Get a Good Education


Set Goals and Aim High


Practice Integrity and Humility


Choose Friends Carefully


Share Compassion with Every Person


Find a Reason to Laugh Each Day

The Prize is in the Journey
Building GameChang3rs...Building Legacies
Board of Directors

Karen Sadler



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Nikki Damuth

English Teacher

Northern High School


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Mark Rieth

Entrepreneur/CEO Rivertown Holdings


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Jeff Tuori

Managing Director

Newberry Investment Partners 



Mark Dantonio

 Head Coach  MSU Football




Katie Sadler - Headshot.jpeg

Katie Sadler

MBA Candidate

Harvard Business School



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Jim Cotter

Director of Admissions Emeritus - MSU

Vice President

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Darqueze Dennard

President of

The Dennard Difference 

& Former Teammate




Joe Tessitore

TV Broadcaster




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Mindy Buell

Executive Director  

Michael's Place




Bennie Fowler III

President of Infinite Potential LTD

& Former Teammate


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Matt Tiedgen


LEAD Marketing Agency


Shane Bullough - head shot.jpeg

Shane Bullough

Real Estate Investor 

& Entreprenuer




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Darien Harris

Director of Player Engagement-MSU Football

& Former Teammate


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